ISSUE #17.

ISSUE #17.


Here is that rainbow,
I’ve been praying for.




The best things in life are free. Feel the sunshine. 
Music for this moment and its renewed sense of freedom




The Aesthetica Film Festival is on. 300 films. 50 masterclasses.
Just in case the post-lockdown freedom is too overwhelming.
(This is not only for those that live for film and photography) ↴


Aesthetica Film Festival 2020



Pier Paolo Pasolini - Comizi D'Amore (Love Encounters)
Ciao bella Italia.
Free love in 1964, asking humans about love, on the streets.

An hour of B/W film joy best watched with a bottle of Sangiovese nearby.
Sentilo [Feel it] 




“I don’t know what painting teaches me, I know that it just frees me.”
A colourful 6 minute peek into the head of Jim Carrey’s studio.

What a glorious human - he eats breakfast on top of his paintings. 



___The end.